Advertiser Store is a free discounts and coupons site that gives you incredible offers for regular purchases and the latest trends. We have partnered with top international brands and local merchants to provide shopping enthusiasts with great deals on their purchases. We reward you with discounts for your purchases of fashion, apparel, automobiles, daily necessities, or skin and healthcare products.
We aspire to become a prominent savings destination, influencing consumers’ purchase decisions in UAE. We have a propensity to drive the growth of top brands globally by connecting partners with our active and engaged audience. We’re committed to providing innovative promotional media solutions, such as first-time user discounts and codes, BOGO offers, etc., to assist our retail partners in achieving their objectives.
Our team has a strong relationship with all national and international brands and retailers. We help in driving traffic to their store’s website, and in return, we receive promotional spending that we can share with our customers in the form of coupons and discounts. We ensure to choose the best stores available worldwide to make it easy for consumers in UAE to expand their horizons and enjoy the best. All our coupons are guaranteed to work in the respective online stores.
Our team works 24/7 to ensure that you receive the best deals and offers every day and every time you transact. We keep exploring our partners’ sites to update our offers, ensuring that our customers don’t miss out on great deals.
To name some of the brands:
- Cadbury
- H&M
- Victoria’s Secret
- Carrefour
- Sephora Collections
- Zalora
- Instant Fly
- American Eagle Outfitters
The collaborations enable us to provide our clients with the best experiences and prices, whether they’re looking for new things to explore, taste, or learn. We also tend to create relationships between loyal, repeat consumers and great local businesses by linking our customers with our partners, which helps communities develop. If you want to know more about us, send us a mail, and we will get in touch with you.